Episode 7- Friendship

In this episode of An Incomplete Guide to Personal Growth, Sydney and Kelly explore types of friendship and how important "fringe" friendships are to our mental health.
- Finding a hair stylist...an important relationship
- Acquaintances, social friends, intimate friendships, and epitome friendships
- Are millennials and Gen Zers lonelier than other generations?
- If so, why?
- Fringe friendships...those we encounter briefly, yet consistently
- Does lack of trust affect making new friends?
- Kelly learns she is using punctuation wrong in her texts!
Challenge for the Week: Start a conversation with someone you don't know...while in a line, at lunch, wherever else you may be wondering this week. Also, be aware when someone starts a conversation with you.
"What Are the Types of Friends and How Can They Support You?" by Sonya Matejko
"The Science of Friendships Keep Us Healthy" by Zara Abrams
A Time to Talk, by Robert Frost
Website: anincompleteguide.com
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Shout out to Lauren Arrendell and Jake Pilch, our Patreon supporters!