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Dec. 17, 2024

Episode 47- Light and the Holidays

In this episode of "An Incomplete Guide to Personal Growth" Sydney and Kelly about the spirituality of this time of year and the image and metaphor of light as a thread that connects us all.

  • A time of hope and light during the season leading up to Christmas
  • Finding light as we gather with others
  • Attending a religious service when its not "your cup of tea" or different than what you prefer
  • Looking inward and then broadening my view
  • How have others offered us light...hope, comfort, laughter etc..that we needed in the moment
  • A season of waiting and anticipation
  • How will I be surprised during this season?
  • How will I be a light to others?

Website: anincompleteguide.com

Instagram: @anincompleteguide

YouTube: @AnIncompleteGuide

Patreon: patreon.com/AnIncompleteGuidetoPersonalGrowth

Shout out to Lauren, Jake, Kyle, and Nicole, our Patreon supporters!