July 30, 2024
Episode 27- 30 Before 30, Interview with Cassie Dell

In this episode of An Incomplete Guide to Personal Growth, Sydney and Kelly talk with Cassie Dell about her list 30 before 30. Thirty wide ranging things that Cassie set out to do before turning 30. Cassie loves to travel and wants to live life fully.
- After Cassie's 29th birthday she chose 30 thing to work toward
- She didn't want to lose herself
- Honed in on things on her bucket list to prioritize
- Prioritizing self helps to her to become a better mom, wife, friend, co-worker
- List includes things by herself, with friends, with husband and family
- Hobby classes, spa day, trips, hot air balloon ride
- Discovering new things, meet new people, self discovery
Website: anincompleteguide.com
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Shout out to Lauren, Jake, Kyle, and Nicole, our Patreon supporters!