Episode 14- Music and Personal Growth

In this episode of An Incomplete Guide to Personal Growth, Sydney and Kelly explore the how music influences our lives. Sydney is really is quite irritated today, but Kelly is in a good mood. We will let music lift her up!
- You are never to old to learn a new instrument or experience new tunes
- If you want to learn, don't just wish it, do it
- Learning an instrument teaches great life lessons...mistakes are a part of life, getting past mistakes, self-discipline.
- Play for fun, not performance
- Singing provides a mental lift
- Music can inspire, motivate, and boost confidence
- Video games and classical music
- Kelly thinks she is learning "Ode to Joy" only to learn it is "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring"
Song suggestions from Kelly:
This is Me, from The Greatest Showman
Try, by Pink…change and
Brave by Sarah Barlelis…speaking your truth, being yourself
Unwritten, Natasha Bedingfield…reaching for what you want
Same Love, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis…equality
Scars to Your Beautiful, Alyce Cara…self-acceptance
Song suggestions from Sydney:
Amy Beach, Symphony in E Minor
Florence Price, Piano Sonata in E Minor
Mozart, Symphony No 41
Vaughan Williams, The Lark Ascending
Pieces by Phillip Glass
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Shout out to Lauren, Jake, Kyle, and Nicole, our Patreon supporters!