March 18, 2025

Episode 60- Don't Miss the Boat!

Episode 60- Don't Miss the Boat!

In this episode of "An Incomplete Guide to Personal Growth" Sydney and Kelly play with the phrase don't miss the boat.

  • What happens when you think you have your ducks in a row? They scatter
  • Just do one thing...once
  • Its not about making a long term commitment
  • Long term planning as a way of not starting
  • Self-sabotage
  • In a kayak going with what comes, not a super yacht that seems in control
  • You don't have to make a project out of everything
  • Do one small thing
  • What do I want to do today, listen for the nudge and try it
  • We are a part of the flow of the river


Instagram: @anincompleteguide

YouTube: @AnIncompleteGuide


Shout out to Lauren, Jake, Kyle, and Nicole, our Patreon supporters!