Feb. 11, 2025
Episode 55- Highly Sensitive People

In this episode of "An Incomplete Guide to Personal Growth" Sydney and Kelly explore the traits of a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). This is not the same as Sensitive Processing Disorder, which is a diagnosis. This topic has to do with sensitivities to light, touch, taste, sound, smells, etc...
- Dr. Elaine Aron...book and website
- Sensitivities vary from person to person
- Characteristics that accompany HSP
- Empathetic
- Spirituality and the HSP
- Trauma in childhood and HSP
- Boundaries
- Good to be able to name it and then learn tools to work with it
Website: anincompleteguide.com
Instagram: @anincompleteguide
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Shout out to Lauren, Jake, Kyle, and Nicole, our Patreon supporters!