Feb. 6, 2024

Hope for Growth

Hope for Growth

I often struggle with limits...well, some limits. Take speed limits, because of them I've had the opportunity to meet a variety of officers, sit through several defensive driving classes, both in-person and online, as well as watch my bank account decrease. Spending limits taught me how difficult it can be to pay off credit card debt. And then there is the inability to limit my consumption of chips and queso at the local Mexican restaurant. I am always full by the time the entree arrives.

So, why is it that I can so readily set limits on my potential? It seems rather easy for me to decide what I can't do, or what I am not good enough at, or simply too fearful to try. Those limits are like brick walls. A friend recently said that we "self limit" in ways that hold us back. That term caught my attention, it turns the accountability inward.

It doesn't take long for an internal message of "I don't think I can" or "I probably won't be very good" or "it's scary" to morph into "I can't" or "I'm awful at that."  We set limits and don't realize it, internal messages can keep us right where we are instead of creating movement and growth. Self-limiting talk is quite powerful...but there is hope. 

Several months ago I started taking a Comedy Improv class. This in itself was a leap quite outside my comfort zone and took some re-messaging to muster the courage to attend. Periodically we get to perform. Many improv shows begin at 10pm. I am early morning person, so I am usually in bed around 10pm...see the issue? I realized I was setting limits on myself and reprogrammed the messages I had in my head. Instead of, "that is so late" or "I am going to be so tired" I told myself, "I can stay up late, I am not THAT old" and "it doesn't hurt me to lose some sleep."  As I drove home from the first late show an energy and wakefulness filled me. It was a joyful experience.

It is fun to surprise ourselves while trying something new. Stretching and getting to know ourselves in the process...now that is growth!