Welcome to An Incomplete Guide to Personal Growth! We are mother-daughter duo, Kelly Arrendell and Sydney West. We're guessing you came to this "About" page to learn a little more about us and about this podcast. 

Kelly Arrendell is the mother of this duo. Kelly received a BA in Christian Education from Centenary College, a Master of Religious Education from Oklahoma City University and completed the Two-Year Academy for Spiritual Formation through the Upper Room Ministries. After many years of working in the local church in Youth, Children, and Adult ministries, Kelly felt led to shift her focus to retreats and Small Group ministry for both churches and community service organizations. She has worked with the homeless population, addiction recovery programs, and small groups in transition homes. She loves connecting with others, and hearing their stories, knowing there is much to learn. Kelly is taking Improv Classes and stretching herself like crazy! Hopefully that has helped prepare her for this podcast. Time to grow!

Sydney West is the daughter of this duo and has a background in music. She earned her undergraduate degree in piano performance from OU (Boomer) and her masters degree in conducting from Oklahoma City University (yes, the same school her mom went to). She conducted a church choir and orchestra, worked as a conductor for an after-school program called El Sistema in OKC, and started a community orchestra in Edmond, Oklahoma. What qualifies her to do this podcast? Probably not too much! But she loves talking with her mom, learning from her, and creating communities with people that have similar interests. This concept for a podcast has been in the back of her mind for a while, so she's happy it's finally happening!

Now to the podcast... We hope that it can be a resource for those that want to better themselves, but aren't sure where to start. There are so many books, Instagram accounts, and programs out there that it can be difficult to sift through everything. We will provide you with resources, such as books, quotes, and things to ponder, so that you can have a direction to go on your journey. Hopefully our stories can give you a place that feels grounded and some confidence in knowing someone has walked this road before and make mistakes, but it's all part of growing! Being in your 20s and 30s (or really any part of life) can feel confusing and aimless, and we want this podcast to be motivation for you to continue on your journey of personal growth.

Please feel free to email us at anincompleteguide@gmail.com with a questions or comments! Follow us on Instagram @anincompleteguidepodcast for updates and to engage with our posts. Our Patreon is: patreon.com/AnIncompleteGuidetoPersonalGrowth